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PHP >> Security Scripts

Description - Verifies that a given string is a good password. If it is a good password, the function returns an empty string. If it isnt, it returns a text string describing the flaws. The function is relatively permissive, but was written to take additional constraints.

Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-12-23 | Report Error

CleverSecureVisit Site
Description - You may want to restrict the access to your project. For example, you are developing a project and want it to be accessed only from your computer .... and clients one. Or you want to ban someones IP adress or entire group of IP adresses. Use our FREE security module (it is turn-a-key!) and set special patterns for IPs that are authorised or denied to view your pages.

Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-10-16 | Report Error

CleverSourceVisit Site
Description - Dont you want your sites HTML code and scripts to be STOLEN? Are you tired by all the copies of your site you found on the web? You should know, that a simple solution exists: just ENCRYPT your HTML-code with our free tool! You dont need to re-encript it every time you change your sites content, you can just plug our script in and it will encrypt the site everytime it is loaded on the fly.

Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-10-16 | Report Error

Hacker StopperVisit Site
Description - This is a program that watches and monitors your network resources remotely. The program reports back to Zsys-Networks any Activity that seems to be suspicious. The program will notify the Main Server either the one on our network if you run just a website through a Webhost or if your a bigger business other options are available. Our server will figure out if the server should lockout the IP ADDRESS or USER ID.

Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-10-16 | Report Error

IP Security!Visit Site
Description - Need to track your visitors IP addy? So that if they cause any trouble towards your website you can block them! Well Its easy, with a quick download you can start tracking your visitors IP addy, browser type and the time of access! All for free!

Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-12-23 | Report Error

IP,Browser + Time LoggerVisit Site
Description - Want to be able to log your visitors IP address to secure your website from trouble makers and to make sure you can quickly get a visitors IP addy to block them from your server if needed? Well this is the script for you! It also tells you the visitors Browser details and time of access!

Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-12-23 | Report Error

LOGIN ScriptVisit Site
Description - Make PHP generated web content availabe only to you! I derived this function from some PHP code that I used on the administrative portion of my database driven sites. isLogged() returns true if the cookies named UserName and PassWord are the same as $UserName and $PassWord, the first 2 paramters of the function. If not, it displays the content of $LogInPage, the 3rd paramenter. The main thought behind this was to display the same login for all my admin pages, without have to repeat the same HTML code. Another purpose for this code was to keep MySQL queries, and other back-end code from being executed without permission.

Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-12-23 | Report Error

PassMasterFlexVisit Site
Description - This is a simple single-user login that utilizes cookies for authentication. PassMasterFlex was written to provide an alternative to the Apache login, since the only successful way to log out with Apache is to close the browser window.

Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-12-23 | Report Error

Registration script v2.0Visit Site
Description - This is the new version of my registration script. It has many new features: Email verification Handy installer Seperate files Increased security and many more!

Rating - 3.26/10 | Last Updated - 2008-12-23 | Report Error

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